The Secret’s Out: These Will Be the Biggest Design Trends of 2023


Let’s hear it for 2022: The year of nature-inspired color palettes, feminine shapes and lines, adaptive homes offices, and the coziest interiors to set the scene for late nights binging Inventing Anna. 2023, you’ve got some big design shoes to fill.

The world of interior design can often be fearful of the word “trends” — and I get it. When you invest in your home, you don’t want to look back ten years down the road and see a singular moment in time. 

But, let’s not forget: trends don’t simply mean colors or materials. Trends also incorporate innovative technologies that make our lives easier, and look to reevaluate room usage to better fit our current way of living. 

So, let’s not be fearful of the word “trends.” Rather, let’s seek out the trends that work for us, and incorporate them tastefully. 

What’s on the docket for 2023, you ask? This year, I’m anticipating a resurgence of some of my favorite trends of all time…



1. Bringing home the warmth

Prepare for warm, vibrant color palettes to make their way into our homes in 2023! Though classic blue tones will always hold a special place in my designs, we’ll see more earthy greens, burnt oranges, hues of pink, mustard yellows, and bold reds across the board in upcoming projects. These colors are capable of invigorating and stimulating us in our own environments, while also creating a sense of warmth and comfort. (See here for more on color psychology in design!)



2. This one is music to my ears…

One of my favorite (and one of the fastest-growing) trends is the rise of the music room. So many families are looking for a space to gather and listen to that vinyl collection they’ve been holding onto or building through the past few years (Bonus: This room also doubles as a space to showcase favorite records!). This creates a wonderful space to tune in to your musical side while also spending time with your loved ones — whether you’re a musician who wants to include your instruments on display or just a record collector who wants the space to install a dry bar alongside that vintage turntable, it’s a wonderful alternative to a classic TV room or den.



3. Globetrotters, our time is now

2022 was the year for travel for many of us (And who can blame us after being cooped up for so long?). My team and I are seeing so many of our clients gather design inspiration from their travels this year — and if you know me, you know how special that is for me! 2023 will see rooms filled with inspiration and decor from all across the globe. Whenever my clients come with their travel photos at the ready, I am onboard!



4. Spare rooms are out, and wellness rooms are in

Wellness is a main focus for 2023 — and not just in design, but everywhere I look! We’ve been talking about this for a few years now, but I believe more and more people are ready to dive into the idea of wellness rooms (aka making room for a space that makes you feel truly at peace in your home). Revitalize that unused office or guest bedroom and turn it into something that will improve your mental and physical health throughout the new year. I’m seeing a multitude of examples, including the aforementioned music rooms, plus reading rooms, meditations rooms, yoga rooms, spas, and saunas — really, anything that will provide an at-home oasis.



There’s no better way to build out your personal style than by picking and choosing what you love from each year or season and allowing your home to evolve over time to reflect your personality and taste. So happy new year — the best is yet to come!

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