Simple Changes to Create Your Cold Weather Oasis



I’m certainly not one to kick fall to the curb too early, but I would be remiss not to acknowledge what we all know to be true: winter is coming… As much as I enjoy the festive season that’s soon to be upon us, I’m soaking in every moment of sunshine and fresh air while I still can. 

While the upcoming winter blues are undoubtedly very real (I certainly know that firsthand!), the cold weather can also encourage us to embrace the power of design to find joy in our homes — and actually fight the seasonal dreariness from within our own walls. Here, I’m sharing just a few ways you can update your home now to preemptively boost your mood — before the thick of winter sets in.



Layer Your Lighting

A serene home starts with calming lighting (by way of both windows and fixtures). Different rooms require different lighting, and abiding by a few guidelines can help maximize your intended mood for each space, whether that be to energize you or to encourage rest. Take a look around the room and see how much natural light it gets (and at what times of the day). I recommend lining a room with canned, overhead lighting to illuminate walls and artwork, then center-grounding a room with a fixture that can add both visibility and a luxe touch. Next, set each light to its own individual dimmer, so you have the power to control the tone of each light source. From there, feel free to layer a bit more! In the winter, your home should feel both bright and cheerful and centered and calming — and layering various lighting options (and dimness levels) can achieve just that.



Lean Into Colors You Love

It’s no secret that I am a firm believer in the power of color — but all too often, I find that people decorate with colors that others choose for them. In my guide to decorating with colors, I shared the importance of discovering your own personal color preferences and then designing with those in mind. In the areas in which you spend the most time (such as your bedroom and living spaces), incorporate colors that really speak to you. For some, that might be soft, cool blues and grays — but for others, that may be invigorating patterns and bold hues. With color, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach, especially when considering your energy.



Designate a Self-Care Space

In the warmer months, we’re much more likely to live our lives on the go — and we can often find ourselves sipping a chamomile tea with a book next to the lake, or shaking up a fresh marg to enjoy with friends and family on a patio. In the winter, however, I find myself recharging at home — meaning that it’s more important than ever to set aside a space for myself to indulge in self-care moments. Perhaps it’s a cozy chair facing a snowy window or a yoga mat near the heater (for me, it’s a reading nook!). Whatever it is, I encourage you to decide what refreshes you, then create a corner that best encourages you to breathe in, breathe out.



Organize and Declutter

While you may not have much energy to clean your house when the days are dim, there’s something refreshing about organizing even one drawer or cabinet at a time. A cluttered space can both overwhelm and distract you, and there’s no need for that during the dreariest months. Starting now, tackle one organization project a week — so by the time February rolls around, your home will be a refreshing respite from the chaos of the outside world.



Incorporate Meaningful Memories

As I’ve mentioned time and time again, one of my favorite ways to add personality to a space is to decorate with sentimental details and happy memories. Whether you have mementos from your travels, photos from celebratory occasions, or beloved art from years past, meaningful accessories can add joy to any home. 

Head straight to the source (most likely: your storage closet) and pull out those heirlooms or photos that have been tucked away, or move things around your home so you can really reflect on the sentiment of a cherished piece while you’re in your most relaxed state (like next to a soaker tub). Here, I share a whole post on how you can style meaningful memories.



Prioritize Symmetry for Peace of Mind

The simplest floorplan direction to make for a little added peace and serenity? Symmetry! It’s often said that symmetrical design relaxes the brain and grounds the body into a space. Centering a room around a favorite focal point is a simple way to simplify a room that feels overwhelming.



Don’t Forget About Mirrors

Finally, I love adding mirrors as a means to create the illusion of space and light. Even a small, dark room can feel more spacious with the simple addition of a beautiful mirror — it adds stunning depth and levity to an unassuming corner!

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