Launching Under the Same Sky


Today’s blog post looks a little bit different than most, and I am incredibly excited to unveil a project I’ve had in the works for quite some time. If you follow along on Instagram, you may have seen my recent announcement, one that I was incredibly excited to share. After years of hard work and dedication to raising awareness and funds for suicide survivor support and mental health awareness, I am proud to announce the launch of Under the Same Sky, an organization I’ve founded to open up the conversation around suicide and fund efforts that bring healing and support to those affected by it.



The Story Behind Under the Same Sky

I recently shared my personal journey with suicide loss, the story behind the death of my brother, Mark Revers, in 2014. Losing someone through suicide is an unbearable pain and healing from that loss was incredibly difficult for my family and I. I never saw it coming, and the last person I imagined would die this way was Mark — he hid his pain and depression well and never let on that he was suffering, which still breaks my heart. 

After Mark died, my personal process through grieving centered around trying to find solutions and create change. The pain and shock of suicide loss is incredibly challenging to handle, and I knew I wanted to find a place where suicide survivors, those who have lost a loved one to suicide, could heal, support others, open up and share their stories.  

Following our loss, I learned more about the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention  (AFSP). It was an incredible organization for my family and I, allowing us to feel a part of something and heal with others who had endured similar situations. I became very involved with AFSP walks and additional programs, and as I got more involved with this amazing organization, I knew that I wanted to do even more to fund their efforts and encourage conversation around suicide and mental health.

Building on this, I began to look for ways to expand my community reach and utilize my success as a businesswoman to create a funding stream for survivor support efforts. 



The Launch of Under the Same Sky 

I was on a plane heading to France to visit my friend when I had an idea. What if I brought back some of my favorite, artisan-crafted treasures from around the world and sold them to raise money for the cause? 

Linking my passion for design with my drive to make an impact on suicide survivors, the idea for the pop-up shop was born, and I felt so passionately that this could turn into something big. As I was visiting a market in Provence, gathering beautiful pieces to bring home and sell, I saw a painting that read “Under the Same Sky.” The phrase was so striking, and seemed to say so much about the universality of being touched by suicide loss — I knew that would be the charity’s name.

Over the past two years, my dear friend Amanda Samuels and I have been hard at work laying the groundwork for Under the Same Sky, and we are so excited to finally share the effort we’ve poured our hearts and souls into.

We look forward to hosting regular design-based pop-up shops offering treasures from around the world, including destinations such as Morocco, Mexico and India; highlighting global artisans, and bringing our mission full circle by reminding us that we truly all live under the same sky. All of the profits raised from our fundraising efforts will support American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Healing Conversations program.



Under the Same Sky’s Mission

At its core, Under the Same Sky is dedicated to raising awareness, opening conversations and creating additional funding for areas of need in suicide awareness and survivor support. Through our partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and support of AFSP’s Healing Conversations program, we promote education, awareness, and advocacy for those affected by suicide.

Our name, Under the Same Sky, signals our belief that all of us are touched by this issue; that we are stronger together, and that we all have the power to act to make things better.

Ultimately, I want everyone to know that Under the Same Sky was built around a sense of community — the sometimes unexpected discovery that, even in the midst of our most devastating human suffering, we are not alone.



Join Our First Under the Same Sky Pop-Up 

This Saturday at 6 pm CST, we’re hosting our very first Under the Same Sky pop-up shop, “Building on Hope” — and we’re going virtual! Join myself and LUXE Interiors + Design Editor Shannon Sharpe on Instagram Live at @amykartheiserdesign for a virtual Q&A and the kick-off to our purpose-driven pop-up shop. Learn more about our mission and get a first look at the globally curated, artisan-crafted décor and goods available by attending this special virtual pop-up shopping event. 

After the kick-off, you can shop the virtual pop-up shop over on Under the Same Sky’s website through December 12.



Be a Part of the Conversation and Follow Along

Thank you for reading and for your interest in Under the Same Sky. To learn more about our mission, explore our website here. To join our email list and stay up to date on events, head here. To follow along on social media, you can visit our Instagram here and our Facebook here

And of course, if you would like to donate to the cause, please head here, and know that every last dollar makes a difference for suicide survivors.

And Know You are Very Appreciated and Loved

From the very bottom of my heart, I thank you for your support, encouragement, and generosity. 

When you are feeling lonely, all you need to do is look up and know that there are millions of others rooting for you. Together, we are all Under the Same Sky. 

Follow Along:


8 thoughts on “Launching Under the Same Sky”

  1. Amy,

    As a fellow designer I follow you and your blog and am so inspired by your courage to try to make a difference for those who have been affected by suicide. I lost my own Mom to suicide at 23 and it’s a cause well worth the effort you are making. I look forward to helping out and spreading the word.
    Mary Nigh ~ M Design LLC

    1. Mary, thank you for your kind words and for sharing your loss with me. I am terribly sorry to hear that you and your family have had to dig out from beneath the heavy sadness of suicide. It is not an easy path. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to do something more and I truly appreciate your support in spreading the word. The more people we can reach, the bigger the change we can make. Please take care and stay in touch. xoxo, Amy

  2. Hello Amy, Another admiring designer here. I also have a similar story about loss…. Under the Same Sky, with all its meaning and symbols, is inspiring and full of hope. Thank-you for your efforts.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that, Jen, but I appreciate you sharing. It is truly an honor for me to be able to do more and hopefully make a difference among suicide survivors. Thank you for your support. xo, Amy

  3. Amy, what a remarkable way to turn all of your family’s pain and loss into something that will help so many people and bring more beauty into the world. So admire what you are doing and appreciate all your efforts. Tamara

    1. Thank you, Tamara. I know you know first-hand how devastating a loss by suicide is and that the only way to make change is to share your voice and story. Thank you so much for your support. xo, Amy

  4. Love your strength! You have always been the strongest sibling out of all of us!
    Where my pain is too raw to be proactive, you were able to take your pain and do so much good! I’m so proud of you and hope to learn from you. Thank you. Mark and Steven deserve to be heard and understood and you are doin it! Thank you!

    1. That is not true! We all have strengths in different areas. Thank you for being an amazing sister and always supporting my mission. I love you.

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