Turn Your Home Into a Wellness Oasis in Three Steps



My home is one of my favorite places for a lot of things: making memories with my family, entertaining my dearest friends, cooking up memorable recipes, and so much more… And over the past few years, it’s also become one of my favorite places for prioritizing my health and well-being.

While I love walking into a beautifully designed spa and breathing in the calming aromas or grounding myself in a serene yoga studio, there’s something to be said about embracing a sense of wholeness and peace right in my own space. Now that I’ve discovered the magic to be found in creating a wellness oasis at home, I’m on a mission to help each and every one of my clients and friends do the same. Here, I share a few ways to get started.



1. Separate Your Work Space From Your Relaxation Space

Though multitasking is tempting, it’s been said time and time again that you’ll find better balance when separating tasks and goals — and that applies to your home as well. I’m a firm believer that resting deserves space in your day on its own, not simply as a quick pause between items on your to-do list. 

I strongly recommend carving out space (literally and figuratively) for your wellness routine.Your soothing area does not have to be large or even particularly secluded, but it does need to allow room to meditate, breathe, do yoga, or just take a moment to yourself away from your stress. (Here’s a post on creating the perfect reading corner!) One of my clients has a nook at the top of the staircase that we turned into a meditation space, and it’s the perfect place for her to find calmness and balance — and make practical use of an underutilized space!



2. Get Rid of Clutter and Organize Your Space

While I recommend designating a specific space for your wellness routine, let’s also take a step back and think about the entirety of your home. Cultivate a sense of calmness through organization and tidiness. No, I’m not saying you need to keep a perfectly clean home — but I do know that a cluttered space feels overwhelming and overloads your brain with too much sensory information. 

On the flip side, you know the feeling: you walk into a spa and that feeling of calmness drapes over you. Did you look around at the space and notice how finely edited it is? Your home is no different, and you deserve to curate a space that feels THAT calm and restful. After I redesign a client’s space, I always recommend working with a professional organizer to create order and help foster a sense of peace.



3. Maximize Your Access to Natural Light

This is a favorite tip of mine, because it allows you to focus on your wellness throughout your entire day (and reap the mood benefits even after the sun goes down!). Prioritizing access to natural light is a great way to boost your mental wellness and mood while going about your tasks (especially in the winter, when we need as much light as we can get!). 

While I dream of offering huge, open windows to every single client, that’s unfortunately not always the reality — but I can suggest opting for open, airy window treatments (or going without altogether!). There are so many studies out there that talk about how natural light lifts your mood… It improves your productivity, concentration, and energy, and it provides your body with the most natural source of vitamin D there is. See here for my best advice when it comes to choosing window treatments — and remember, let that sunshine in!



Bonus: How to Make Time For At-Home Wellness

Just because your space is set up for optimal relaxation (and with these tips, it will be!), that doesn’t mean rest will come easy. I understand that your life is busy and your mind is filled with important tasks, worries, and to-dos — but I’m here to tell you that it’s more than okay to start small. Make a list of your at-home wellness goals, and begin tackling them in 5 or 10-minute increments. (Even just sitting alone in a room in your home and breathing can be a noticeable change for many!) Clean out one cupboard or closet at a time, and don’t feel like you have to do the whole house at once. Schedule time out in advance and make sure this “you time” is non-negotiable — and most importantly, don’t feel guilty about it. You and your family are worthy of feeling your absolute best, both at home and away.

2 thoughts on “Turn Your Home Into a Wellness Oasis in Three Steps”

  1. Rosemary Fugenzi

    In winter my master bedroom has the most sunshine,so I cozy up here in the mornings with coffee,meditate a bit & take in morning sun..do grab morning weather on Ch.9,uplifting journalists, to start my day!

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